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Announcement No. 10 [2018] of the People's Bank of China—Announcement on Cracking down on the Act of Refusing to Accept Cash Payment

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For purposes of maintaining the order of RMB circulation, protecting the lawful rights and interests of consumers, and regulating the cash receipt and payment in the industries including tourism, catering, retail, and transportation and the fields such as administrative undertaking and public services, in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China , the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests , and the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Renminbi , the relevant matters are hereby announced as follows:

I . The legal tender of the People's Republic of China is Renminbi (RMB), including paper notes and coins (hereinafter collectively referred to as cash). No organization or individual shall refuse to accept cash by means of standard terms, notices, statements, announcement, etc., except in cases where non-cash payment instruments shall be used according to law.

II . On the premise of accepting cash payment, the use of safe and legal non-cash payment tools shall be encouraged to ensure that the general public and consumers have more options in payment methods. On the basis of the voluntary, equal, fair and honest consultation, non-cash payment instruments may be used if goods or services are provided and legal duties are performed through information networks such as the Internet and unmanned sales methods without good conditions for cash collection. Banking financial institutions and non-bank payment institutions shall not require or induce other organizations and individuals to reject or adopt discriminatory measures to exclude cash.

III . If any organization or individual refuses to accept or adopts discriminatory measures to exclude cash, or conducts other illegal actions, rectification shall be made within one month of issuance of this Announcement. However, if the above illegal acts still exist after the expiration of the rectification period, the branches of the People's Bank of China shall, together with the relevant departments, investigate and deal with them according to law.

July 13, 2018

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